Thursday, December 4, 2008

Busy Bees

I cannot believe another few months have passed and John Logan is 6 months old. We have our check up on Monday and we also begin construction on our new house the same day. We are VERY excited!

John and Emma are doing great! John Logan is always happy and smiles at anything and everything. Emma is busy getting ready for Christmas program at preschool and having so much fun at dance. We found a little Christmas tree that would fit in our apartment and Emma is too excited for Christmas this year. Now instead of time out we just have to remind her that "Santa is watching" if she isn't acting nice (which isn't too often).

John is trying so hard to crawl. He would do anything to be able to keep up with Emma. He absolutely loves his big sister, and she is still fairly indifferent. He is babbling and said "da da" this morning. He is eating baby food and starting to drink a little water from a sippy cup. I can't believe how fast he is growing.

My Mom is coming to visit next week and I am counting down the days. We have lots of fun things planned and hopefully some shopping too. I guess that is pretty much all that is going on around our house (apartment). I will update John's stats after our appointment Monday.

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